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January 20th, 2010 > Harbingers of Death

1st: "Portrait a Bringer".... Mtoppy

2nd: "Wail of the Banshee"....MarisaStone

3rd: "Banshee"....Sarea

4th: "Reaper Image"....Aiinjell

5th: "Harbingers of Death".... Mujerlatina33

6th: "Harbingers of Death"....Peeksta

7th: "Screaming Banshee"....Jorias

8th: "harbinger death"....Canael

9th: "Bubonic plague".... Potablava

10th: "HarbingerOfTheDeeps"....Ismeny

11th: "Omen"....Runningwithscissorsx

January 19, 2010: Psychedelic Colours//January 21, 2010: Genies 3rd Wish