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January 22nd, 2010 > Jump!

1st: "Jump for an apple!".... Ismeny

2nd: "jump over your dam"....Potablava

3rd: "I jumped AAAHHH"....Mtoppy

4th: "Sky High Jump"....JYNX

5th: "TraversingObstacles".... MarisaStone

6th: "Parkour"....Sarea

7th: "JUMP TO THE SKY"....Mujerlatina33

8th: "Summer jumping!"....Ann

9th: "Cowabunga!!!".... Jorias

10th: "up daddy up"....Canael

11th: "Opps Missed the jump "....Peeksta

January 21, 2010: Genies 3rd Wish//January 23, 2010: Through the Camera Lens